Monthly Archives: November 2018

Episode One: Creating Christmas Traditions

Christmas is widely considered the most wonderful time of the year and many people enjoy meaningful traditions that help them experience the meaning of the season.  In this first episode, we visit with a new father who is exploring what it means to create meaningful Christmas traditions for his new family.

Bridging the Great Divide: A Discussion on Church Hospitality Episode 3

In our third episode, we discover how to help our guest cross over the great divide.  What are the practical actions we can take to fully welcome them into our family of faith, and what are the little things that make all the difference?

Bridging the Great Divide: A Discussion on Church Hospitality Episode 2

In episode two, we discover the importance of spanning the bridge for our guests.  What is it that helps guests want to stay? What can we do to help them feel comfortable and make a connection with God?

Bridging the Great Divide: A Discussion on Church Hospitality Episode 1

It’s hard for people to come to church.  They know they need what is offered there, but they may have also had negative experiences with churches, or the people within the church walls.  So, in bridging the great divide, we have a gap to overcome, a chasm that must be crossed.  And it will be their experience at church that will cause them to come back or to dismiss it.